Student Spotlight

Celebration of Young Photographers

November 14, 2023

Two students, AJ Jimeno ’24 and Zach Horn ’24, had their photographs chosen to be showcased at ASAP!’s annual Celebration of Young Photographers exhibition. ASAP! received 383 photo submissions from 52 schools throughout Connecticut, and only 60 were selected for the exhibit. The show took place at Spring Hill Vineyards in New Preston, CT, on Sunday, November 12th, and focused on the theme “Curiosity.” 

Photograph by AJ Jimeno ’24 titled "Self"

AJ’s photo is titled “Self.” She described her process for capturing her image as: “This slow shutter photo features a teenage girl, encapsulating her “aura” disconnecting from her body. As she faces adulthood, she questions “self” and must let go of her old self, curious of what the future holds."

Photograph by Zach Horn called "Untitled"

Regarding his photograph, “Untitled,” Zach stated, “Ever since I was young, I have had a passion for sunsets and animals. My uncle goes on traveling trips all around the world and hikes and explores. One summer, I went with him to Rocky Mountain National Park [and] we hiked up [and] down the mountains. I had the opportunity to see all the animals, such as mountain goats. This was an experience that I will remember for the rest of my life.”

“AJ and Zach's photographs showcase their creativity and dedication to their photographic processes,” says Erin Gleason, Arts Department Chair. “Both students photograph during classes and extend their practice outside the classroom, refining their skills and capturing unique compositions. The Forman School Art Department is proud of AJ and Zach’s accomplishments and excited to see the work these students will capture during the rest of the school year.” 

Seven students volunteered during the event to help set up, greet guests, and break down the show.

Contributed content from Erin Gleason, Arts Department Chair 

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