Faculty Spotlight

Level Up! Faculty Spotlight: Wendy Welshans P’24

May 23, 2024

Wendy Welshans P’24, Science Teacher and Director of the Outdoor Leadership and Rainforest Project, was recognized as the faculty member in April who most embodied the 2023-2024 school year’s theme: Level Up! 

Wendy Welshan’s nomination reads, “Wendy sets the gold standard for amazing experiential teaching. She challenges our students to reach far beyond what they think they are capable of accomplishing, all the while making sure they feel cared about, respected, and supported. She is an incredible role model for all of us.”

“It’s an honor to be selected out of so many amazing faculty members at Forman,” Welshans says. “I think at Forman, we have no choice but to level up. You cannot ride on complacency; you can't just do the same thing every year, every day, every month. You have to have a commitment to going somewhere, and that’s what leveling up is.” 

She continues, “The students want to see a foundation of skills being built. Whatever you’re doing, whether it's building a sailboat or doing a lab in Science, they want to see the end, and the end has to be a step-by-step progression up, and that’s leveling up.”

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