Student Life

Musician Visits Forman School

January 15, 2024

Singer-songwriter Tyler Millard was recently a guest at Forman School. During his visit, Tyler and his wife, Emma, enjoyed a songwriting session with Arts Teacher Jerrod Cattey and the Advanced Instrumental Ensemble.

“Emma and I had a great time meeting the music class at Forman School and working through one of my original songs with them,” Tyler shared

Tyler Millard visits Forman School Music Class
Singer-songwriter Tyler Millard visits Forman School

Tyler also performed for the entire community during a TReK (Truth, Respect, and Kindness experience). 

A testament to hard work, Tyler learned guitar at 21, just as he began to lose his vision. 

“It wasn’t until I was 21 and told in no uncertain terms I was going blind from a degenerative retinal disease that I was confronted with the realization that my master’s in Math probably wasn’t going to serve me very well for much longer,” Tyler writes on his website. “It was then that I picked up a guitar, and a hobby slowly became an obsession, and an obsession a passion.” 

Learn more about Tyler’s music here

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